Designer + Cartographer

Spanish Atlas Translations

Spanish Translations



Nystrom Education was producing Spanish versions of 4 popular Nystrom Education atlases. 

My Part


Skills Learned + Demonstrated

  • Thematic and reference map design

  • Label placement

  • Adherence to the creative process (learn, draft, create, revise)


The Proposal

The Spanish Nystrom atlases needed to be identical in every way except for their Spanish labels and legends. These needed to be completed before the start of the new school year.

What I Did

Now the sole cartographer at Nystrom Education, I did all the translations for the labels and legend myself. This required huge amounts of reworking label placement as the length of most of the labels changed drastically.

This also helped me sharpen my non-existant Spanish skills.

The Result

The 4 atlases were completed ahead of schedule and ready for the new school year.